World Lottery Results
Result Quicklinks: Powerball | EuroMillions | UK National Lottery | Health Lottery | Irish Lotto | Mega Millions | SuperEnalotto | Canada Lotto | El Gordo
Check the latest world lottery results on this page and make sure you never miss out on a prize. Whether you’re looking for the winning numbers from a big multi-national lottery such as EuroMillions or the results from a country-specific game like Italy’s SuperEnalotto, you’ll find what you need right here. You can also see the winning codes from any supplementary raffles and find out what the jackpot stands at for the next draw in each game.
Use the quick links above to jump to the results from a specific lottery. Remember when checking these numbers that you need a valid winning ticket from the draw in question to be able to claim any prizes. If you want to enter any upcoming draws, simply select the ‘Pick Numbers’ button underneath each result.
On the go? You can also use one of the free iPhone apps available from the App Store to stay up to date with the most recent world lottery results. Find out more on the iPhone Apps page.
- 2
- 11
- 19
- 30
- 49
- 3
- 8
Millionaire Maker Result: JNTX26814
- 1
- 2
- 17
- 18
- 45
- 46
- 9
Lotto Plus Raffle Result: 2062
On the go? You can also use one of the free iPhone apps available from the App Store to stay up to date with all draws. Find out more on the iPhone Apps page.